AFX Slot Car 15-Inch Terminal Track Section

Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $3.20.


This is the AFX Slot Car 15-Inch Terminal Track Section, for use with AFX HO slot car tracks.Easy to use. Consistent quality. AFX track has been the standard in the hobby since it was designed and patented 30 years ago.
Today it is still the best and is consistently recommended by hobbyists around the world. The key is a design that goes together and comes apart easily while maintaining excellent electrical contact. So you get less frustration and more fun.
And if you don’t want to limit your track designs, AFX is your only choice. Because AFX has more curves, more banks, more straights and more specialty tracks then anyone. Period. So with AFX track the only limit is your imagination.


Accepts AFX Power Plug – Works with any AFX track made in the last 30 years.
Works With New Tri-Power Pack and Standard Power Pack – One track works for all.
Z-Bend Rail End – Allows consistent electrical contact even when track pieces are not pushed together completely.
Tapered Slot Ends – Smooth, quiet performance as cars pass over track junctions.
High Traction Surface – Helps tires get maximum grip.
Correct Cross Bracing and Supports – Keeps track stable and junctions solid. Only with AFX track.
Deepest Slot Depth – Accepts longer AFX guide pin; keeps cars on the track longer.


AFX Slot Car 15-Inch Terminal Track Section


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